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Celebrating Science and Storytelling through Art and Animation
Curated by Jacob Wheeler

Th'Den Wheja himself! He hopes you're as happy to be here as he is!

Upcoming Events

1 Jun

First Day of Pride Month

Throughout June, we take a moment to remember the LGBTQ community, their contributions to society, and the people who fought and often suffered for their rights. Science and art are subjects for everyone, and no path forward can be forged without all of us.

2 Jun

First Day of International Nature Journaling Week

If you ever wanted to start a nature journal, now's the time to start! Follow naturejournalingweek.com to learn how to start yours and what challenges each day will help you find new ways to connect with the world around you.

8 Jun

World Oceans Day

In contrast to Earth Day, today is dedicated specifically to our oceans, home to 80% of all of the planet's species and the driving force behind our weather. While the last few centuries have introduced many major challenges for life in the seas (and, by extension, life everywhere), today is also a day to celebrate all the people who are working hard to save this unique environment as well as all of the incredible projects underway to undo humanity's damage.

19 Jun


Today, especially in the United States, is an important reminder that there is no way forward if any group is left behind. Today marks the day in 1865 when, after the brutality of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was finally read aloud in Galveston, Texas: the last place in the States to learn that the war was over and that slavery was outlawed. People of color still had a long fight ahead of them in terms of true equity in America, but the ability to live on their own land and terms is not something to be ignored. Inequality in any form is worth fighting against.

21 Jun

June Solstice

The Earth's axis will tilt the North pole the closest to the sun for the year, officially starting summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the south.

23 Jun

International Women in Engineering Day

This started as a UK holiday in 2014 but has spread to the rest of the world thanks to UNESCO and the Women's Engineering Society. STEAM subjects help us all in their purest form, but education in these fields can still introduce severe environmental barriers, and, according to the WES' official website, women only comprise less than 17% of the total engineering workforce. Let's all do our part to make these important studies more open to all who want to change the world!

28 Jun

Tau Day (τ)

The counterpart to Pi Day, Tau represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius instead of its diameter, giving us a value of 2π, or roughly 6.28318

5 Jul

Jacob's Birthday

It's a big day, not just for me, but for everyone who appreciates the hard work put into making this site work. Thank you, everyone!

20 Jul

Moon Landing Anniversary

In 1969, humanity showed that we really could go wherever we wanted to, and our eyes have been turned upward and outward ever since. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin of NASA's Apollo 11 mission made contact on the surface of Earth's moon, a 230,000-mile journey requiring the highest levels of technology of the time and hundreds of innovations that have since become a part of our daily lives. How much longer until we can go back? How much farther can we go?

22 Jul

World Brain Day

Today is the anniversary of the founding of the World Federation of Neurology in 1957, so now is the perfect time to learn about that funky little mass of grey matter where everything that makes you *you* resides. Did you know that your brain has over 100 billion cells and over 100 TRILLION synapses connecting them all? That's a lot of memory space!

1 Aug

International Wheja Day

This year marks the thirteenth anniversary of the formation of our original site. Expect new announcements and art today!

1 Aug

First Day of National Immunization Awareness Month

This month has been set aside by the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) to look back at the history of vaccines and how they have helped improve our lives by lessening the impact (and, in some cases, completely eradicating) some of mankind's deadliest viruses. The effectiveness and range of these vaccines have improved greatly over the past several decades, so be sure to check with your local doctors and pharmacies to see how you can help keep your community healthy!

19 Aug

National Aviation Day

Today marks the birthday of Orville Wright who, in 1903 with his brother Wilbur, culminated the greatest physics and engineering of the time to develop the first rudimentary airplane. It could only fly about 850 feet and was catastrophically damaged after its fourth flight, but it showed that high-speed air travel was feasible, and that original design has been used since then to bring the world closer together than ever before.

20 Aug

World Mosquito Day

Today, we look at our complicated relationship with perhaps the world's most public parasite. It holds an important place in the food chain as both predator and prey of hundreds of different species, but it also causes more human deaths every year than any other animal due to its ability to spread life-threatening diseases such as malaria. Make sure to pack extra bug spray on your next campout!


Trust us! Wheja is hard at work putting the next big adventure together for us all.

This section is under construction. Please be sure to return later to see what we have in store!

For Art!

To Encourage Diversity in Philosophy, Culture, and Technique to Tell the Greatest Stories

  • Traditional Art

  • Digital Painting

  • 3D Modeling

  • Animation

For Science!!

To Promote Critical Thinking and Open-Mindedness to Solve the Greatest Problems

  • Natural Sciences

  • Astronomy

  • Physics

  • Technology

For Adventure!!!

To Take You Across Time and Space to Witness Events Beyond Imagination

  • Literature

  • Filmmaking

  • Game Design

  • Web Design/ UX

About Us

Jacob Wheeler, Site curator, standing in front of a resurrected Torosaurus at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

Jacob Wheeler was born in Denver, Colorado in July 1996. Most of his early years were spent studying a wide range of scientific topics including paleontology, astronomy, geology, and quantum mechanics. It seemed, then, a worthy goal to find some ways, artistic or otherwise, to contribute to as many of those fields as he can. He is currently pursuing a major in Paleontology, but hasn't lost track of his more creative pursuits.

We at Th'Den Wheja do not condone the use of Generative AI software or the use of our assets as training data. All Rights reserved.

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